Friday, 18 May 2012

African Nationalism and Pan-Africanism

Activity 8

1.       African nationalism was a movement across Africa to fight colonialism and demand independence.

2.       Organization of African Unity (OAU) established May 25 1963, Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) established on6 April 1959, Aborigines’ Rights Protection Society (ARPS), established in 1897.

3.       Pan-African is a movement for bigger co-operation among Africans.

4.       These two differ because Pan-Africanism is for co-operation between Africans and African nationalism was the demand for independence.

5.       Kwame Nkrumah led the Gold Coast’s anti-colonial struggle for independence from the British. Robert Sobukwe established the Pan Africanist Congress to fight the apartheid.

6.       The song lyrics relate to Pan-Africanism and African Nationalism because the African man was taken into America (stolen) and he had no say, but in the song its says he fought on arrival and for survival just like the Africans fought for their independence  and co-operation between Africans.